Cubic Yardage Calculator
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Bark dust is a great option to promote plant and vegetation growth by improving the soil structure and deterring noxious weeds. We have any size of bark dust you need, from very fine Dark Fine Fir to Large Fir Nuggets. Choose your ideal size, color, and amount, and take it home with you on the spot. If you don’t have a vehicle or need more than you can carry, make an appointment for us to come to your property for delivery.
Decorative Rock
We have rocks from pea gravel to large river rock! Rock products make a fantastic decorative item and can line water features, garden beds, walking paths, and much more. Different size rocks have different strengths and weaknesses, and if you need help making a decision one of our friendly staff members will be happy to help. From placement to size requirements for your dream project, our knowledgeable team can answer any questions you have about rocks and gravel.

Soil Blends & Amendments
As a versatile local landscape supply company, we carry a variety of items to make your yard and garden look great. This includes several types of soil and compost such as yard debris compost, compost manure, and pumice that is mixed into the soil. Choose a soil like our 2-way lawn mix made of sand and compost, or the 3-way mix with the addition of dark fine fir.

Rock products make a fantastic decorative item and can line water features, garden beds, walking paths, and much more.
Different size rocks have different strengths and weaknesses, and if you need help making a decision one of our friendly staff members will be happy to help.
From placement to size requirements for your dream project, our knowledgeable team can answer any questions you have about rocks and gravel.